Introduction to Site:

Introduction to Site:
Here you will find all of everything Oriental food context it means to be here long cooking recipes cooking cooking meat cooking Dairy Fresh salted fish stuffed chicken fast food and articles on how to maintain the eastern cooking and what he needs
Why the site:
The site was established to give the world a chance to enjoy Oriental food to give you all the reasons to enjoy the smells and atmosphere of this amazing food.
Give you all the opportunity to amaze your family, friends demonstration of food cooking skills with "the smell, color, and taste are perfect
Teach you all to any kind Seashore techniques that will help you very much.
Who am I?
My name is Kobi Israel and after seeing all the cooking sites worldwide realized that food should be given a place on the net and I want to do it!
I learned cooking in occupation and I live cooking from 0
I hope you enjoy the site I set up for you

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